Use ChatGPT on Instagram for anything.
Engage in text-based chat. Create and converse with your images using DALL-E 3 and GPT-4. Command with your voice like Siri.

As featured in
World's best ChatGPT Instagram
WizAI uses the latest version of GPT-3.5 Turbo that supports long messages. It has improved instruction following, better university and work mode, reproducible outputs, and more.

Soon: Also with Voice
Upgrade your Instagram chats with WizAI's voice messaging feature. Hands-free, personalized, and accessible Artificial Intelligence communication on the go! Already available on WhatsApp.
Soon: Image Creation
Just type a description and watch your imagination turn into stunning visuals right in your conversation! Already available on WhatsApp.

Soon: Image Talk
Send an image with a caption on Instagram and receive instant, intelligent insights from ChatGPT-4. Already available on WhatsApp.
WizAI Premium
Use the best ChatGPT in WhatsApp and Instagram. Cancel anytime.
Not sure yet?Enable free trial.
What’s included:
- Unlimited messages
- ChatGPT-3.5
- WhatsApp and Instagram integration
- ChatGPT-4 credits for purchase
- Image creation with DALL-E 3
- Voice recognition
- Talk to image